martes, julio 04, 2006


Is one of those words that no one knows what it means.
In my head now confidence looks like the casino at Carrasco. Before development.
Confidence is also something you can discover (or not discover) in the eyes of a 16 year old.
Confidence once in a while masks unconfidence.
Confident people tend to be less self conscious about their actions than unconfident people.
When the lines are drawn, the deepest line will be marked between those who have inherited confidence, those who have learnt it, those who will always be acquiring it and those who will never know it.


Anonymous Anónimo said...

I'm experiencing a lack of confidence in your use of the word 'unconfidence' - I fear it does not actually exist...

3:18 p. m.  
Blogger maldoror said...

You may be correct, have discovered the following link, but just becasue it says it exists does not mean one can be confident it actually does:

3:34 p. m.  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

I like the link within that web page that promises to "explode your confidence"

3:49 p. m.  

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