miércoles, agosto 02, 2006


Like the desperate fool que soy I strafe the internet for a translation it refutes me. Lloras. Si. Evidamente. Correct my spelling. Busco the noun. Maybe it does not and never exists. Capaz capaz capaz My new jacket strolls some perfect corner of a non existent night. I fall asleep on one of the million buses that does not belong to the non me that I am. Somewhere in Peckham is the key to the forgetfullness of where I shall shut these eyes of mine. Hey. Todo bien. Que bien. Que enorme este tristeza in which somos yabba yabba yabba Stand in a corner and resonate. Hasta manana. Hoy. Siempre.


Blogger ladelentes said...

lagrima is what you're looking for

7:54 a. m.  

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